Saturday, March 05, 2022

We Said Goodbye Two Years Ago

By Harold Hastings

Remembering my Dearest on her second yahrzeit

We said goodbye two years ago
But in a way we didn’t
A large part of me joined you on your final journey
But you gave me your spark
And it remained a part of me
We are together when I see the world through your eyes
We said goodbye two years ago
But in a way we didn’t

This is a photo which shows my wife as an active partner as we built a
kayak in 2013. It was one of the many things we shared, and it was part
of a "memory board" in our last spring together.

Harold Hastings is a research scientist, college teacher and writer, and
is thrilled to be a member of what might be termed the Hevreh art salon.
He has lived in the Berkshires since 2012. Harold credits family,
friends and faith for sustaining him after losing his wife of more than
50 wonderful years.

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