Friday, April 08, 2022

Breaking the Law and Loving It

OK, so we’re breaking the law but it’s one of the best things we’ve ever done. You see in our town of North Egremont Massachusetts, we are fortunate enough to have about 140 acres of parkland. French Park has dozens of trails through the forest and sometimes we walk there.

Well, so, recently it’s become clear that our darling little dog, Poco,

now eight years old, has slowed down. Often she refuses to go on walks with us. Sometimes it’s too cold, or rainy, or icy and sometimes she just doesn’t feel like it.

But what we’ve discovered is that Poco adores the forest in French Park. Just the other day, as we were walking up Baldwin Hill Road, with Poco on the leash, she steered us right into the park.

At the entrance to the park is a big sign in red: All dogs must be kept on a leash. Violators are subject to fines.

Well, so, it doesn't really work to keep Poco on the leash in French Park. She’s raring to go as soon as her little paws touch down on the soft leafy surface of the trails. Normally, when we walk her on the roads, she is good for no more than about a mile. In the woods, however, she doesn’t slow down, no matter how far we walk. She still stops often to sniff at fallen logs, and piles of leaves, and other distractions, but she keeps up with us. And it’s clear that she is happy, as her little body practically bounces up hills and over bridges.

The other day, as we walked in French Park under an increasingly sunny sky, I realized how heavenly it is to walk with Poco in the woods. I stopped and let her get ahead of me and then I shot a video of her following my husband up the trail. I texted it to my son, Noah, a few minutes later, and he wrote back: “Oh my God what a cute video. Poco’s butt!” Yes, the video shows her little butt wiggling back and forth up the path.

Oh I am so so happy that Poco loves to walk in the woods. And if anyone in town reads this and reports us to the French Park Authorities, I will be pleased to pay the fine.

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