Young, homeless man at 6th and Bryant McDonald's is standing in center of restaurant holding a big, full, clear plastic bag and nonstop jumping on one foot. Going 'round him she gets in line.
He smiles at her from his six plus height and shouts over the clutter in the place, Hi!
She directs her smile at his beautiful eyes. Beautiful sapphire orbs.
I love baskets, he tells her. See my baskets?
Amused, her smile broadens.
He gets serious, starts turning his bag 'round and 'round. Oh! here it is.
He's smiling again. I love baskets. See my baskets?
She can see them, varnished wicker, fragile, dainty, fringed with lace. Suddenly: He's smiling again, his eyes shining like jewels. I've lots of these, He tells her. His hand is in front of her face holding a box full of colorful spheres to her nose. I've lots of these, He repeats.
She can smell the fragrant soaps of bright colors nestled in lace and ribbons. She looks up. He's smiling broadly.
He forgets to jump on one foot. He holds still. He holds still.Then his hand is reaching for hers. Reaching. Here, this is for you he tells her.
Silently, questioning him, she just stands there looking up at sapphire eyes.

It's yours, he tells her and finally places the box in her hand.
Thank you. Thank you, she says, and under his watchful eyes, looks down to slip the fragrant soap box into the side pocket of her briefcase.
When she looks up again he's pulling his plastic bag out the door. And over the clatter at 6th and Bryant McDonald's, he shouts at her: Remember me when you take a shower!
Camincha is a California-based writer and a frequent contributor to MyStoryLives.
1 comment:
Gosh,I heard this years ago at a SF reading, and still remember it. Haunting.
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