Note to readers: Artist Jan Hart grew up in southern California, and later lived in New Mexico. I "met" her when trying to rent a house in the Santa Fe area -- she was pulling up roots and moving to Costa Rica, where she now lives in a gloriously beautiful retreat. She describes herself as "writer, teacher, artist, adventurer," and teaches art classes. Judging by her blog, Jan's Front Row Seats, she has her later years all figured out. The view from her lounge chairs is astonishing! An inspiring woman, to be sure! Here is an except from her blog, in which she talks about dealing with aging:
"We who have grown up in the United States are fixated on a continually upward trajectory that appears not to have an end. Everything worth having is Better or Faster or Smoother! We are fed a continual smorgasbord of technological wonders and new breakthroughs that make us feel behind if we still have last year’s model. The economy has to be growing to make us feel happy with our lives and confident in our leaders. Many of us begin our days with a cup of coffee in front of the financial news from Bloomberg on cable – and the market direction dictates our state of mind. Up is up. Down is down. Given that we are a nation of Viagra and Prozac it seems that we also have a fixation on rising body parts and moods. We get face ‘lifts’ and breast ‘enhancements’ and ‘body augmentations’ while we tune up, fix up and dress up. Any mention of a “downward spiral” thrusts in our mind’s eye an image of a plane crashing to earth."
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