Thursday, June 18, 2020

Sharon and the Beautiful Pink Roses

There is no end to the miracles!

June 18, 2020 This spring, our rosebush beside the porch has grown to an immense size. Yesterday, in my blue bathrobe, I trimmed the branches that were scratching at the paint job on the side of the house.

I took one branch, with several beautiful roses on it, and set it into the stunning green vase that my dear friend Sharon gave me on my husband and my 40th wedding anniversary in September 2018.

Sharon is forever giving wonderful gifts to people and writing delightful cards. She has inspired me to write a lot of cards too, for birthdays and holidays, but also, just to say thanks to somebody or to tell someone you are thinking of them. These cards are always full of love!

The other day I saw a card that made me think of Sharon. I decided I would send it to her. But I had forgotten what the cover of the card looked like.  When I went to pick it up to write it yesterday, I was surprised and delighted to see that it was full of ROSES!!!

Dear Sharon, may you be healed and full of life. May you find the strength and courage to embrace the joy you have always had! In Hebrew, "El na r'fana." God, please heal her.

I pray every day for Sharon's healing and return to love and life.

And in Italian I say:

"Caro Sharon, che tu possa essere guarito e pieno di vita possa trovare la forza che incoraggi ad abbracciare la gioia che hai sempre avuto Dio, per favore, guariscila!

Prego per la guarigione di Sharon e torno all'amore nella vita."

June 19, 2020 I was desperate for a haircut and on Wednesday I bumped into a woman I know. Cynthia recommended her hair salon near the Price Chopper in Great Barrington. I made an appointment and today I went to get my hair cut. The woman’s name is Liz, and we got to talking. It turns out she’s been cutting Sharon’s hair for almost 40 years! What is the chance of that happening?

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