Monday, July 31, 2023

Every Once in a While, Life Delivers Up Surprises!

I come away from Nunzi's house regretting that I went to see her. I have given her too much information about Giovanni. She's all wrong about him!

By the time I reach Signora Bichietti's house, I am in something of a panic. I realize that I can no longer confide in Mama, and neither can I be truthful with Nunzi. I have nobody to turn to except for me!

One thing I know for sure: I have to be very careful about what I say to Mama over the next couple of days. I certainly don't want to say anything that will hurt my chances of seeing Giovanni on Wednesday!

Without knowing why, I suddenly recall that G gave me a poem last night!!! How could I forget? But it is at home, alas, and now I have to work for Signora B all day.

Soon I have my hands in hot sudsy water and once again, I am scrubbing shirts and smelly diapers and underwear. And then I'm rinsing them and then I'm wringing them out and then I'm hanging them in Signora's back yard. I also wash the floors and apply wax.

I'm fed up to here with this hard work, but what choice do I have? I manage to get through the afternoon knowing that as soon as I get home, I will read the poem Giovanni wrote for me! He says I should believe every word!

The moment I walk through the door, I hurry into the bedroom, thrilled that Mama is out somewhere. I lay down on the bed and take the poem out from beneath my pillow. I inhale the paper, feasting on the fragrance of G's cologne! It feels glorious to be lying here, completely alone with him. I read slowly:

"My dearest Filomena,

One year ago, the sun

didn't shine as brightly

as it does now. Nor the moon!

Why? Because I didn't know you.

How is it possible that I actually

thought I was alive?

The fact is, I wasn't, my precious girl!

Meeting you, however, I've been born anew!

Truly, my world has exploded

with fresh joy and wonder and all the

colors of the universe.

I have been swept up by you like wind meeting a cloud;

I cherish your beautiful lips, your magical black eyes,

your mountain of wavy hair!

I've discovered a whole new

language of love through you!

I am full of desire, Fi, and I pray

that you may be as well.

All these months away have

convinced me that we belong together

forever. Don't you agree?

Please say yes, yes, yes!

It is my deepest wish that I may

tell you very soon


when we can


-- Your beloved Giovanni"

I drop the poem over my heart. I close my eyes, and tears well up. I wish I could share this poem with Mama or Nunzi or someone else. It is so clear that Giovanni cannot live without me. And I cannot live without him.

Only after Mama enters the house do I fold up the poem and slip it, this time, beneath my mattress. I wipe my eyes and jump up from the bed and head out to greet my mother, with a smile that starts deep in my heart!!!!


On Wednesday morning, I have coffee and a cornetto with Mama. I tell her very casually that I am going to see Nunzi after work. It's a lie of course, but now that I am certain of Giovanni's love, and very hopeful that we will marry, I feel that I am entitled to lie. Even if it isn't official, he is, after all, my intended and I must be loyal first and foremost to him.

The day feels like it drags on endlessly. It's a new job, for a lady named Benedetta Talarico. Two weeks ago, she had her third baby, a girl named Bianca. Mama told Signora Talarico that I would help her out. Which normally I'm happy to do, just not today!

I watch the two older boys, ages four and two, while at the same time, I cut up carrots and onions and tomatoes for minestrone. Then I cook pasta with fagiole for the boys, Alejandro and Stefano, and after a fashion, I get them to lie down to nap.

While they sleep, I do what I love to do most - I wash diapers, of course! That takes me more than an hour, and I'm not finished, but by then the boys are awake. I take them in to see Signora Talarico, who is in bed, nursing the baby off and on, all day long. She had a very rough delivery, according to Mama, so she is not able to walk around much. Whenever she needs something, she calls on me to bring it to her.

Finally it is almost 4:30. Signora T gets out of bed with Bianca and slowly makes her way to a kitchen chair, where she settles. Her husband Ernesto is supposed to be home soon. Normally I wouldn't mind staying with her will he arrives but today I've just got to leave on time so I can be at the church by five!

At ten minutes to the hour, I tell Signora that I must go.

"Oh, Filomena, could you please take the baby for a few minutes?" My eyes fly open.

"I was...Signora, I was hoping to go now, as I meet someone."

"Yes, yes, I understand, but it won't take but a few minutes. You know, I must do something quite private!" She smiles shyly and hands the baby over to me; little Bianca is tightly wrapped in a swaddle -- una fasciare -- the way all newborns are swathed.

The clock is ticking. I have to get to the church on time.

Bianca must feel how tense I am, because she immediately starts wailing. I walk back and forth, bouncing her against my chest. And then both the boys start to cry, and I think to myself, do you really want to get married and have children?

Oh, but I know that my babies will be well behaved, at least I hope so!

Bianca keeps crying, her tiny face getting so red it almost looks purple! And the boys keep crying, too, asking for their mother, who is in the bedroom taking more than a few minutes.

I am tempted to set the baby down and just run out the door! But I know Mama would be absolutely furious. I can just hear her: "What's your big hurry?"

Finally Signora Talarico is finished. She takes Bianca from me and settles in the chair. I know it would be best if I waited until Signora's husband came home. If Mama knew I was abandoning Signora to meet Giovanni, I can only imagine what she'd say. Certainly I'd have hell to pay! But as it is, Mama would refuse to let me see Giovanni at all, because he hasn't formally proposed.

Finally, I say goodbye and I go. It's ten after five! What if G has left?

I am running as fast as I can through the streets and as I take a corner two blocks from the church, I lose my balance and go flying, landing face down on the cobbles. I hit both knees and the palms of my hands. I feel broken!!! Lying there, I send up a wail almost as loud as Bianca's was back at Signora T's!!!!

I struggle to sit up. I ache all over, and I'm bleeding in several places, but I force myself back to my feet and hurry to the church. When I get there, I'm panting and sweating and bleeding too. This is no way to enter the church, and I dread meeting Father Crudele.

But when I open the door, there is no one at all in the sanctuary. Has he already left? I walk slowly up the aisle. The church is completely empty!

All the anxiety of the last few days, and the fall in the street, and my intense disappointment finding that Giovanni either never showed, or has already departed, all of it overwhelms me now, and I start sobbing into my hands, which are scraped and bleeding and bruised and filled with grit from the cobblestones. I look down and both of my knees are bleeding too.

Covering my mouth with my bloody hands, I just stand there crying. I am completely heartbroken, thinking I won't see Giovanni anymore! I have lost my last chance to meet him. How will I ever manage to find him again?

I know I must go, but I'm frozen to the church floor. Feeling frantic, I decide that perhaps I will walk to San Lucido again. "I can do that, yes and I will do that, tomorrow," I tell myself. Right now though, I know I need to go home and get myself cleaned up and bandaged.

Turning, I walk toward the door and as I am reaching for the handle I hear Giovanni calling my name:

"Oh Filomena you came, you came, you're here!"

I turn and Giovanni is rushing madly down the aisle toward me. "Oh Fi, what happened to you? Your face is...oh God, you're bleeding!" He takes me in his good arm and practically crushes me.

Now I am crying tears of joy. He's here, and I am here, and no matter that I am bleeding all over, everything will be fine.

What happens next is so much more than I can take in, at least at first.

After covering my bloody face and hands with kisses, Giovanni steps back from me. Smiling in a wild sort of way, he bends to one knee.

"My dear Filomena Scrivano, will you please marry me? Will you, please please please marry me today or if not today, then tomorrow or next week?"

I stand there, speechless, completely stunned. Did I hear him correctly?

"You mean we can..."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes," Giovanni says and now he is standing and holding me again, and crying too. "We can marry each other Fi just as soon as you want to!" What miracle is this? Am I really standing here, staring at Giovanni who has actually proposed to me? How can this be?

And then one more miracle occurs:

Father Crudele walks up to stand just behind Giovanni, his hands in a prayer position and the miracle is this: he is actually smiling at me, in way that can only be described as benevolent. His eyes look kind, in a way that almost reminds me of Papa! How is that possible?

Oh what joy Papa would feel if he were here in the church with me this evening. As Giovanni and I embrace and prepare to leave the church, I decide that Papa is here, and maybe he was the one who helped clear the way for my wedding!

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