Monday, July 29, 2024

CREATION STORY, a la CALM a la Harris

“On the first day, God created LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS. On the second, He created the sky. Dry land and plants were created on the third day. On the fourth day, God created the sun, the moon and the stars…
And on the First Day, Sunday, July 21, 2024, which happened to be a magnificent FIRST DAY day, a highly principled and very likable but aging statesman named Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.,
who had been President of THESE UN United States since January 20, 2021, posted a letter saying he would not be seeking reelection.

The 81-year-old incumbent, a gentleman and A TRUE STATESMAN, who cares for his country so enormously that he was willing to step away from the Highest Office in the Land, declared that he would step out of the race for the Democratic nomination for President. (Unlike, the DUMP, running as the Republican, who would never in a billion years do anything so unselfish.)

He, President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., who grew up in Scranton, Pennsylvania, poor and stuttering ("it's remarkable, isn't it," he himself said, "that I could become President -- only in America!" He said that in a rather low key manner in a speech, sitting in his Oval Office.)

Anyway, Mr. Biden on the First Day quickly as in the same FIRST DAY endorsed for the Democratic nomination his Vice President,

a SHE, she she she she she a BLACK WOM/b/an


AND IN SO throwing the nomination Calm a La's way, Thus began unfolding

A NEW CREATION MYTH, a PHENOMENA, of a distinctly female/feminist cast. Some Americans of course were/are/will not be happy about this, about her, perhaps one out of three Americans (or more) is downright AGHAST at the idea of a BLACK WOMbAN PRESIDENT. Some objectors immediately started in on social media harassing and haranguing HER

oh my what is with these WEIRDO's, berating and belittling her for being this and that, or doing this or that, or for NOT doing this or that, as in,

because she didn't from her own body birth children, and then, oh are they really seriously belittling her for her LAUGHTER?

Which would be a real laugh, except for the fact it isn't funny at ALL because there is running against Calm a La, the DUMP who is forever drooling filth, his trash heap knows no limits. And if there ever were a danger to our democracy, it is from HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM that will have no name except DUMP.

On the Second Day, Monday, July 22, 2024, a seemingly calm CALM A LA raised a STUNNING $250 MILLION in large and small donations, setting a record! Pundits here there and everywhere — as well as creeps in the OPPOSING PARTY, were almost SPEECHLESS -- but not quite because they are never speechless (on Fox or everywhere else they speak). They were already on the attack like drooling wolves with blood dripping from their fangs.

On the Third Day, Tuesday, July 23, 2024, Vice President Calm a la spoke from her new (President Biden’s OLD) Delaware headquarters and SHE gave her first campaign rally speech. Thanking her staff, she said: "In the days and weeks ahead, I, together with you, will do everything in my power to UNITE our Democratic Party, to UNITE our nation and to win this election."

And then she hurried out to Wisconsin, a battleground state, where she rallied thousands of exuberant Democrats, saying “The Baton is In Our Hands!”

On the Fourth Day, WEDNESDAY, July 24, 2024, speaking from the OVUM, no, excuse me,

the OVARY,

no, excuse me, the OVAL office, President Biden, that real statesmen as opposed to the


STATESMAN BIDEN made it official official, after weeks of speculation, that he would formally said step away. “I have decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. That is the best way to unite our nation…”

(Hey did any of you happen to notice that CALM a LA referred to the BATON IN OUR HANDS and Biden referred to the TORCH, and both of them are shaped…well, you know)


of course they are MAGGOTS?

They were drooling, like I said, flashing and gnashing their razor sharp teeth, as opposed to their minds which are dull dull dull and full of shit,

They kept saying all manner of UGLY UNTRUE and also hilarious things about HER

CALM a La. My college roommate, Cathie M, who lives up in beautiful Maine, kindly sent this
Also on the Fourth Day, I learned that by some miracle, Calm a La would appear in Pittsfield, MA, the small Berkshire County city that is 45 minutes from my home in Massachusetts. OH CALM a la, how I hungered to go, but NO way all the tickets were long gone. And the event netted almost $2 million!

On the Fifth Day, The Berkshire Eagle
a fine newspaper based in Pittsfield, MA, heralded the donor event saying it would be grand and historic and it was, with people lining South Street waving signs in support of CALM A LA. These folks were sorely disappointed that Calm a La's 24-car motorcade scooted in the back door of the Colonial Theatre.

On the SIXTH Day, July 26, 2024, that being Friday,

Shabbat begins always on Friday nights in the Jewish faith. And so it is.

And so too did Presidential historian Heather Cox Richardson, who also attended the Pittsfield donor event, confirmed on THE SIXTH DAY something that I have dubbed the “CALM a LA Phenomena” it happened OVERNIGHT: “the national narrative as a whole has shifted,” Heather said, writing calmly in “Letters From an American.”

On the Seventh Day, I observed SHABBAT and did no posting. THANK THE GOOD LORD BECAUSE I a tad exhausted after all that writing!

Last week had to be, almost certainly was, right up there, ONE OF the MOST

no, perhaps the MOST HISTORIC


weeks I have ever lived through! And I’m 71, I lived through Woodstock (and didn’t go!)

No matter what your faith, no matter whether you are a believer in God, may you believe in the NEW CREATION according to CALM a la,

and peace be with you! AMEN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! Hurray for our renewed excitement & energy! Hurray for Kamala / Calm a La!